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Kibera-0049 Jackline Anyango

Jackline is a 25 years old mother 
married to Erick Omido, who is 31 years old. Together they have four children: Sonia is 9 years old and in grade 6, Moses is 7 years and in grade 2, Precious is 7 years and in grade 2 and Favour is 4 years and in preschool. Erick is an absentee father lost in alcoholism and extramarital affairs. Jackline has the responsibility of providing for her family. She tries to do this by washing clothing for others. The family lives in a rented house that takes up about 75% of their income. Jackline suffers from ulcers but is currently on medication. Your support will ensure this family’s needs are met and will give Jackline the opportunity to work towards self-sufficiency in the future.  

Kibera-0049 Jackline Anyango

  • Thank you for partnering with us to preserve families and prevent orphans in Kenya. Sponsorship is a $50/month commitment and meets the basic and immediate needs of your sponsored family.


    You will be receiving a Welcome Packet in the mail shortly after sponsoring a family. It will contain a prayer card for your family as well as additional information on our program. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you might have.

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