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Shashemene-0064 Martha Asheko

Martha is a single, young mother who lives with her daughter Bemnet. Bemnet is 7 years old and in kindergarten. Martha’s husband died 3 years ago from diabetes. His death has caused extreme hardship for this little family. He was the breadwinner and once he got sick, hospital and medication costs were more than they could afford. Martha has been working to repay the hospital. She is also struggling with rent, school costs and providing food. Martha works as a daily laborer but would love to start her own business making and selling injera (Ethiopian cultural bread). Your support has the power to change their lives by providing nutritious food and resources for Martha to become 

Shashemene-0064 Martha Asheko

Price Options
Family Sponsorship
$50.00every month until canceled
  • Thank you for partnering with us to preserve families and prevent orphans in Kenya. Sponsorship is a $50/month commitment and meets the basic and immediate needs of your sponsored family.


    You will be receiving a Welcome Packet in the mail shortly after sponsoring a family. It will contain a prayer card for your family as well as additional information on our program. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you might have.

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